After breakfast at Thistle House this morning we looked across to that den. Shimmering in

But it was reportedly neither battle nor politics that lost the MacNachtens their ancient seat of Dunderave Castle at the head of Loch Fyne. It was the demon drink. John, the last MacNaughtan laird intended to wed the younger daughter of Sir James Campbell of nearby Ardkinglas, but next day he woke up in bed with, and married to, the wrong daughter. They say Campbell pressed MacNaughtan to an overenjoyment of his Loch Fyne whisky. Anyway, John fled to Ireland with his love, the younger daughter. Dunderave passed bloodlessly to the Campbells and the MacNaughton clan chief still lives in Northern Ireland.

It was a memorable experience for Grant and Barbara MacNaughton from New Zealand. And more was to come as we headed north to Loch Awe. Under blue Argyll skies, we took a boat out to Fraoch Eilean to investigate the oldest standing castle of the MacNaughtons, then we chugged across to Eilean Innishail, ancient burial place of the clan. Innishail is also the current burial place of the Campbell chiefs; I was interested to see the gravestone of the 12th Duke of Argyll who died in 2001... but didn't trouble to point it out.
dear sir. I have recently found that our family in new zealand are direct descendants of the macnaughten clan of dunderave and i wondered if you could advise me of how i may acquire more information as i am looking to move my family back to scotland. Kind regards tasha
dear sir. I have recently found that our family in new zealand are direct descendants of the macnaughten clan of dunderave and i wondered if you could advise me of how i may acquire more information as i am looking to move my family back to scotland. Kind regards tasha
I have written a short article about the MacNaughtons which I can send you if you give me an email address, but moving to Scotland is something I can't advise you on. The Scottish Government website would be a good start
Hi --
I'm another "just found out I'm descended from the McNaughtons" relative, and I would love to have a copy of your article, if you don't mind. You can e-mail it to me at
nancy13g (at) yahoo (dot) com
My McNaughton ancestors were the McNitts/McNutts, who came to the US in the 1700s and eventually wound up in Nova Scotia.
I'll be planning a trip to Scotland somewhere in the next ten years or so -- hopefully I'll be as lucky as you were when it comes to getting in to see the castle!
Mr. Cunningham,
My son wishes to get married on the castle Dunderave grounds Feb 2010. We are Clan MacNaughton do you have a way we can contact the current owners?
Jim McNitt
Sir, I am planning to travel to Scotland in October and I am of Clan MacNaughton; I have been trying to find contact information for the owner of Dunderave so that I can get in touch about visiting, you should have my email through this but you can also contact me through www (dot) nuradu (dot) com.
Dear Sir,
I am yet another descendent of this line. In fact my father always thought we were Irish, leading back to this John Macnaughten. Would you mind emailing me a copy of your article also?
Thank you in advance!
Sincerely, Michele McNett Kellenbenz of the USA.
oops my email address is alonelydragonfly@aol.com thank you again, Michele
I am one amoung many descendats to MacNaughten clan. I would greatly appreciate a copy of your article as well. I do know family lineage as far back to 1769. So it would be interesting to see what other information I can pair up.
Thankyou kindly
Kimberly (McNaughton) Chapman
Hi, me again, I lost your email, we had been speaking about going to Dunderave at the end of this October, I'd appreciate an email from you again.
please may i have a copy of your article sent to
kind regards
hi im a direct desendent of malcolm MacNaughten and i would also like to have a copy of that artical and i have a question since we technically never lost dunderave how come that american has it? my next question is to the macnaughton i would like to know how many of you have the family plack? beacuse i have from sir anthony macnaughten? wat do yours say at the back? my email is scrapped-ivy@hotmail.com
I would also be very glad to receive a copy of your article on the MacNaughtons. Thanks. cherrian100@hotmail.com
Mr. Cunningham,
My husband is of Clan MacNaughton. His grandparents moved to the USA from Dumbarton in the 1930's. We would very much appreciate a copy of your article.
Also we are traveling to the Glasgow/Dumbarton area in June,2010. Could you advise us on how we might be able to view the Castle MacNaughton at that time?
Thank so much in advance for your time and help.
Jan MacNaughton
I really enjoyed your article and the photos are lovely. I visited Dunderave in 1989 and asked the owners, a couple with a young family, if I could take some photos. They asked me to come in and gave me a tour which was incredibly generous of them. I got the impression that they were quite used to random visits from people with links to the MacNachtans. My ancestors immigrated to Invercargill in the early 1800s and my great Aunt and some of her relatives did a lot of work on the family tree...might we be related? I have a copy of this document if it is of interest to you or any of your subscribers. Darlene McNaughton, Cairns Australia.
I am a McKnight, also of the MacNaughton clan, and I live in California, U.S.A. I have recently realized that our Irish spelling came from the time when the MacNaughton's made their way to Ireland. If anyone has more information on the clan I would truly appreciate it. Thank you. mjderby@sbcglobal.net
FYI MacNaughton Clan;
There are many MacNaughtons who came over to the USA in the 1700's and after who are buried in Caledonia, NY near Avon, NY Monroe County. There graves are behind the Presbyterian Church near the center of town. And dont forget to find the Highway Marker of John MacNaugton Poet & Songwriter as well as the Civil War Monument with the MacNaughton name in the Town Circle.
Hi There , im just wondering wither my famiy nam has anything to do with the MacNaughton clan , im a McKnight from the west coast of scotland in ayrshire ?..
Hello Mr or Ms McKnight. Yes, you are quite right. MacKnights, MacNutts and MacNaughtons are al descended from a Nechtan.
Several Nechtans were Kings of the Picts and if anyone challenges your royal bloodline ask them to prove it is not so!
Hello. My great, great, great, great, great grandfather was suppose to be the MacNaughten gentleman who ran away with the younger sister having been duped by the father to marry the older sister. This has been folklore in my family as the name changed to McKnight once they came to the Americas. My grandmother was red-haired and my daughter is also a red head. We live in Indiana in the USA and I would love to find some more of our relatives. Anyone interested in learning more of our lineage here in Indiana please email me at sunkistlady57@yahoo.com. Thank you so much!
Hi, my mother's maiden name is McNett, and I was wondering if that name is also descended from a Nechtan? ...and is McNett another variation/branch of the MacNaughten Clan?
Hi Chelsea. Yes, McNett and McNutt are both variants of the name MacNaughton. Hope you manage to visit one day.
Re. the photo of "Alastair at an Iron Age Pictish "Broch" "? How many oxymorons can you get into one short sentence? Pretty impressive!
Hi Iain, call me stupid but I cannot see anything oxymoronic about that caption. You will have to spell it out, I'm afraid!
My ancestry is through Alexander McNaughton of Argyleshire who immigrated to the US in 1738. Could you also send your article to bhmcnaughton@gmail.com?
All my fellow McNaughtons, no matter how you spell it, may be interested in the following site: http://www.clanmacnaughton.net/
nancy g.
of the Nova Scotia McNutts
Mr Cunningham, I am interested in corresponding with you. There are four major McNaughton history books:
1. Dunderave Castle and the MacNachtans of Argyll by Matthew Cock,
2. The Chiefs of Clan MacNachtan and Their Descendants, by Angus I. Macnaghten,
3. The Clan McNaughton, a history by Duncan McNaughton,
4.The MacNauchtan Saga by V.V. McNitt
All these books are excellent and wonderful to read, but are misleading in various ways. For instance, the story of the last McNaughton chief marrying two daughters of Campbell of Ardkinglas when Campbell got him drunk on whiskey. This was a mixed up tradition. It did not happen to the last chief, John McNaughton. The last chief John McNaughton was a custom's officer in Anstruther. His life history is known. The story of the John McNaughton of Dunderave who married the two daughters of Campbell of Ardkinglas was cousin to the last chief. He was also born in Dunderave castle. His father was John McNauchtan who was brother to Chief Alexander McNauchtan.
Our lineage descends from this John McNauchtan of Dunderave, uncle of the last chief. Descendants today live in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the United States. The four McNaughton books do not mention our line. Originally information about our line's existance was brought forth by Arnold McNaughton, author of THE BOOK OF KINGS, A ROYAL GENEALOGY who did extensive research about our line. He died in 1979. I have placed all his information on line and continued his research, locating the lines that went to New Zealand and Australia. My website is http://www.trholme.com/mcnaughtonofdunderave/
Thomas Holme
I'd very much like a copy of your article. I too am a direct decendent. Thank You.
Bart Ware
My family, the McNutts, are coming to Scotland in June to hike the highlands. We are planning a side trip to see Dunderave Castle. Can you tell me how we might make arrangements to visit the castle inside (or at least the grounds)?
thank you in advance. Susie McNutt
Dear Sir, I descend from the MacNaughton Clan and from Alexander McNitt who had came to America via Antrim, No Ire, arriving in Boston in 1720 with his wife Sarah and youngest son Barnard McNitt and wife Margaret. I would appreciate reading your article if you would please send it me at moonstruckranch@gmail.com. Thank you so much and I hope to see Dundarave someday soon.
PS from Moonstruck Ranch (Ruth McNitt), wishing records existed for the period when our MacNaughtons settled in Ireland before coming to America. I can not find a record to prove exactly which Scotland MacNaughton took the family to No Ireland, so that generation or two is a mystery - only stated as John MacNaughton in all published family trees I have seen.
Mr. Cunningham,
I recently found a relative who was able to connect me back to Scotland with the McNutt /McKnutt's in my family. I would also be interested in your article so I could see where I fit in. My email is kbarks (at) comcast (dot) net.
Thank you, Kim
Hi if this article is still available then I would be very interested. Thank you Peter peternotails@blueyonder.co.uk
Hi, I would be very interested in any information you have on the family tree that your great aunt and relatives worked on. Thank you peternotails@blueyonder.co.uk
Hi, I have found out that I am too a descendant of the McNaughten clan and have been told that either my great or great-great grandmother had actually owned the castle (last name being a McCracken). Would eventually like to visit the castle that once belonged to my family!
My family surname is Norton, which is another form/spelling of Nachtan. I have just begun doing geneology on my family. I had my father participate in a genetic research program through Family Tree DNA. Just through this, it shows we are related to McNaughton's but I haven't quite figured out the actual connections. I would love to talk or visit with people who can help fill in blanks and perhaps share the stories I have collected. I can be reached at ms60421@cox.net
Hello, I realize this post is from 2007, but if this blog is still in use, I'd love some more insight into this castle and my clan's history. I live in the USA.
Best, Kevin McNaughton
Hi Kevin. Send your email address to info@clansandcastles.com and I will send you some further info.
Hi there, my name is Peter MacNaughtan, living in England but born in Scotland. I have good information on my immediate ancestors back to about 1800. I have read Angus Macnaghten's book which is very detailed around the Irish based family but runs out of steam in Scotlaand at around 1750. I would love to bridge the gap. Do you have any sources for this? Can one buy a copy of Duncan McNaughton's book. I would also be interested in your articles.
Kind regards, Peter Duncan (of course!) MacNaughtan
Hello Peter living in England! I cannot help you much but if you send me your email address I will send you what I have.
Thanks a lot. My email address is petermacnaughtan@hotmail.com
Thanks, Peter
Dear sir- I have been trying to get to the bottom of my lineage for years. I live in the US and my family are McKnights. We are planning a trip to Scotland this summer and would like to visit places relevant to the clan. Can you please advise?
Gina McKnight Lawrence
Dear Gina.
We'd be delighted to arrange your trip to the MacNaughten lands and beyond. Could you please send a brief email to alastair@clansand castles.com
I have finally traced my family line to the MacNaughton's from my surname given to me at birth. I am a McKnight. It is very much easier to spell out. Everyone else aside from my eldest brother, younger sister and I have the name of MacNaughton. I find the history of this family to be interesting. I love history and reading. I have taken many years to trace my family heritage, and both sides of my heritage are intriguing. Cherokee and Scottish. Such a different life style. But, as a normal person. I could have really done with out the extremely fair skin. The history is nothing short of truly amazing.
Gina McKnight Lawrence,
I know it has been quiet some time since your posting on this website. I am wondering as to what part of the US you live in? My lineage goes only as to the day my family split up on US soil. I have been trying to trace it for years as well. I might only be in my 20's. But it comes in handy to know your lineage. Especially for my curious mind that never stops for anything shy of information.
my email is;
Yes, it a very odd email.
I am just now wanting to find out what my family history actually is. I believe I am of the MacNaughten clan as my last name is McNorton. I would love to see the article you have written. My email is ftballbuff at gmail dot com. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you! -Anthony
I would appreciate it if you could email me a copy
of your article. My name is Suzanne McNutt. I believe we might be Ulster Scots. Are the McNutts related to anyone from McNutt Village in Canada? My email address is airforcesue@gmail.com. Anyone with information about the McNutts can contact me.
Thank You.
Dear sir
The town of MacNutt, Saskatchewan, Canada was named after my great
grandfather, Thomas MacNutt. I have lots of history on our family back to
1781 when James MacNutt landed in, at that time, St.John's Island, now
Prince Edward Island. He was my great, great, great, great grandfather.
Prior to 1781, we have no info... a relative has been to Ireland and
Scotland to try and make the link, but to no avail.
Russell D. MacNutt
My 8th Great Grandfather was Iain "John" McNauchton 1639-1707 "Dunderave Castle".
I Live In New Zealand
Judith Beloe E-Mail Is
Dear Sir,
As a descendant of the MacNaughton's, I would so very much appreciate a copy of your article. My cousin, Robbie MacNaughton, is our clan leader in Canada, and I would love to have a copy to give to him. Thank you so very much for all the time and effort you have put into your research, Sir. You are a blessing to us all. My email address is: jcdavis1@hotmail.com Thank you so very much!
I'm a thirteen year old who used to live in Indiana, now I'm in Michigan. I love leaning about family history. I'm not sure how I'm related to the clan MacNaughton. Luckily,I do know that my great grandmother married a man with the last name of Bean. Now skip forward a generation or two, and there's my dad. He used the court to legally change it back. So am I actually related to you guys? I really hope so, cause honestly, its way better than being a Bean.
Dear Sir,
I have spent the last four years building a database on all recorded male McNaughtons, McNaghtens and Macnortons born pre 1840 who had a known link to Ireland. It's a 250 page table in pdf or Word form and I'd be pleased to share it with anyone interested. Yesterday I purchased a website purely to put the table on but unfortunately it will only host the link for the pdf rather than the content. Still, all anyone has to do is click on the pdf link. If anyone wishes to publish the pdf on any other site they are more than welcome and don't need to ask me - I'm happy to share the information with everyone.
Would you be kind enough to let me state that the website is called
Many Many Thanks
I would also love a copy of your article. maccove@aol.com
Thanks, Allison MacNaughton
Mr. Cunningham,
I would love to read the article you have written. My email address is adam.navin@gmail.com. My name is derived from Nevin, which is a sept of the Clan MacNaughton. It is said the Nevin's were clergy to the Clan. Regardless, I have traced my name back to Dennis NEvin from Galway, Ireland born 1810 and want to see more.
Adam Navin
I would love to read your article.. I am a McKnight.. My cousin did research back to a John McKnight that came to Alabama after landing in North Carolina in the early 1700s. My email is swm323@hotmail.com
I am descendant of the MacNaughton as well. My Grandmother was one... Would love to have more information on the clan. I have been doing my ancestry for a year now and has become a bit of an obsession. My email is kacee12@shaw.ca Thanks!
Another McNaughten decendent here that would love a copy of your article. I am from the McNaught/McKnotte brothers that immigrated to the states prior to 1730. My ancestor is Robert McNaught/McKnotte that was granted land in the Carolinas in 1735. I have been unable to trace them back to either Scotland or Ireland. Any information you have is greatly received.
My email address is cindyglevitt@outlook.com.
Thank you very much.
Hi! I'm Rebecca MacNaughton! :) love to learn more of my clan family name please! Thanks all!
Hi,I'm Lois McNutt Shelton. My father, Carson Hubert McNutt 1909-1983 is a dependent of Malcom MacNauchtan. It's interesting to find out that I have so many relatives, past and present!
It would be god to see the article if you can send it.
Many thanks
Im from New Zealand. My Nanas grandfather was David Francis McNaughton as was his father before him born in Scotland. They were both tailors working with and weaving cloth and making uniforms. Im also of Clan McIntyre and my children Clan McKirdy which I believe is an offshoot of the Stewart Clan. Im looking forward to visiting/returning to Scotland one day.
Hello, I recently found out that my family is descendants of the MacNaughton family (McVicker current spelling. It was MacVickar) and I would appreciate if you could send me a copy of the MacNaughton article. Email is chasityarizona@yahoo.com thank you,
Good day,
Like others who have previously posted here, I am also a descendant. Any information or articles you could send to me would be greatly appreciated. My email address is ken_mcnaughton@sympatico.ca. Thank you.
I am descended from Clan MacNaughton. Could you send me the article? We will be in Glasgow this coming Saturday and Sunday. I am wondering if the castle can be seen from the road? Does anyone get to visit at all? Thank you so much.
Thank you Alastair for all your work.
My info starts with a Duncan Mac Naughton and son Peter shipping out of Sterling in
the early 1700's to New York. I live in Calif currently. My Grandfather lived in Rochester N.Y. always said we hale from Loc Awe.
If still available would you please send me your info on our Clan ?
Good Morning
The descendants of McNaughton live wide and far. I am from Sydney Australia and also a descendant of the McNaughton Clan. I am heading to Scotland in August 2019 and would love to visit the Dunderave Castle. Also very keen to read your articles and would greatly appreciate if you could send them to me.
Do you know who I can approach to see if there is a chance to wander the grounds or even see the home of the Clan?
Any information you may be able to provide could you please email them to me: chris.mcnaughton9@gmail.com
Forever grateful
Hello Alistair
I am a McNaughton living in Australia. My GG Grandfather arrived in Australia in 1839 from Banavie / Locabar / Kilmalie (All 3 names mentioned in the records) Scotland I am travelling to Scotland for the first time in May 2018 and would love the opportunity to visit the Castle grounds if possible. I would be very grateful if you could provide any advice on how / if this could be possible. Secondly, I would love to have someone do so local geneology for me, as I have only mapped back to the birth / baptism of my GG grandfather in 1810. If you can recommend someone that would be great too.
Kind Regards
Greg McNaughton
Hello - I am also a descendent of the Clan McNaughton on my mother's side. I will be visiting Inveraray and Loch Fyne in early June 2019. Is it possible to visit the Dunderave Castle grounds? I would like to see the castle if at all possible just to take a few photographs. I am not sure if that is possible but would truly appreciate any opportunity. I would also love to read the article you have previously provided to others. Could you send it to me? Thank you so much.
Brian C. Reed
I've seen others ask about the possibility of visiting Dunderave and I wasn't sure if you would be able to help with that. My family was set to go see it about 9 years ago, but the owner made a last minute change to their plans and was going to be in residence, so our trip to visit was canceled. We are now going back and I'd like to surprise my father with a visit if possible (he's a Naughton). Any help or guidance on this would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
I have several photos and albums of the mcnaughtons from the 1800's. I would love to pass them on to the proper family members. squaresinthewoods@gmail.com
I would love to receive the photos and albums, so they might be scanned and added to a clan website. I am a descendant, and my family has visited Dunderave previously. My uncle has become a bit of a historian, and we would treasure any and all information. I would love a copy of the article as well. jsmith@cascades.us
Hi, I would like a copy of your article!
Thank you!
I am also a McKnight,
I just had a cousin move to California, from over here in ohio.. Id love to get a chance for more information..
Leave your email and I can send you some info
Tasha you're related to me I'm Victoria McNaughten and our name is the closest to the oroginal spelling
I feel our family need reclaim our castle.
I'm directly descended from the clan and the closest the the original spelling. Why has the McNaughtens not bought our castle back?
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Hi there!
I’m a McNaughton, whose line originally settled in Antigonish, Nova Scotia around 1800 I believe!
I’ve just recently started digging, and am wondering if my lineage is connected to the Dunderave castle. I was wondering if someone could send me the article of the clan?
My email is maisie.mcn@gmail.com
Thank you very much!
My name is Beth McNaughton (Vancouver Canada) . My father William B. McNaughton was born in Toronto Canada , and his father (my grandfather) Robert Bennett McNaughton was born in Scotland as well as his father Robert McNaughton and grandfather David McNaughton. I know the family came from Glasgow (Mary Hill) area.
I have been working on my ancestry for several year and visited Scotland in 1992 with my parents. Closest we got to Dunderave Castle was Inverary. I do not know if / how we may be related to the MacNaughten's of Dundeave, but would like any information the would help.
Beth McNaughton beth01@telus.net
I've emailed you. I think we may come from the same mcnaughtons. I'd love to find out! Saritadyer12@yahoo.com was the email used to message you.
I have a history with the MacNaughtons as well. My great great grandfather was MacNaughton Dyer, his mother was anna macnaughton and her father was an Alexander MacNaughton who came from argyll to new york to help start argyll new york, from what info I have from my great grandfather. Any info you have would be helpful! The macnaughton name was passed all the way down to my father.
Hello! It’s 2020 now, so I hope I’m not too late to get a reply. My paternal grandmother was a McNaughton (spelled various ways as I look through the records) who lived in Ohio. Her father was John Calvin, as was his father before him. I would like a copy of your article and any other information you may have on McNaughtons/MacNaughtens who ended up in Ohio. Thank you! Lisa A.
My father was a McNaughton from Perth, Scotland. From what I have been able to find out his great grandfather came from Glasgow. I would be very interested in receiving a copy of your article and any other information you may have. My email is: carolanddale@btinternet.com.
Many thanks
My grandfather immigrated to Quebec, CN in last 1800s, then into Bronx, New York- Kenneth Mc Naughton.
My mom, Florence, born in Bronx, New York in 1927, as was I in 1963. My cousins research pinned us to descendants of clan. Are you related to me?
I reside now in Oregon, USA.
Pls email me at surfdog88888@icloud.com.
Thank you,
My grandfather immigrated to Quebec, CN in last 1800s, then into Bronx, New York- Kenneth Mc Naughton.
My mom, Florence, born in Bronx, New York in 1927, as was I in 1963. My cousins research pinned us to descendants of clan. Are you related to me?
I reside now in Oregon, USA.
Pls email me at surfdog88888@icloud.com.
Thank you,
Hi I am a descendant of Alexander McNaughton that came to Philadelphia Pa USA in the late 1700s. I believe his father was John Mcnaughton of Dunderave.
I am related to the MacNaughtons.In fact my last name was spelled that way back in the 1700s before we came over to the US. I would not mind to read your article if you could send it to me my email is chrismccracken82@gmail.com
My father's name is Michael McKnight my birth name is Johnathan Michael McKnight I believe I am a decendant of the McNaughton clan is there a way to know for sure given my father's name. Everything I find points me to this conclusion
My father's name is Michael McKnight I'm John Michael McKnight. I'm looking for information also I was adopted and am just finding out about my lineage good luck with your search
I am Graham mcnaughton originally from Glasgow now living in oxford England I have not traced my family back very far but would like to know if I mite be related to the original clan my grandfather was Joseph mcnaughton my father was Robert mcnaughton both of Glasgow Scotland I would appreciate eny information you can send me my email is grahamweir@outlook.com
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Hi Alastair I am a MCNaughton from New Zealand I would be interested to read your article
I am of the clan MacNaughton as well. IAM Raymond Lee McKnight I live in california
I go would love and appreciate a copy of the MacNaughton article, my name is Lyric McVicker back then it was spelled MacVicker. I believe to be related to the MacNaughtons Clan.
Forget my email so that would be lyricsdj@outlook.com thank you again. Lyric ( Mick) McVicker
DNA says I’m kin to Duncan McNaughton. My grandmother was a McCracken. Our family lived in South Carolina and ended up in Hernando, Desoto Co. Mississippi.
I have enjoyed reading all of these McNaughton ties. My husband and I tried to visit the castle last year but never got anyone to answer the two numbers at the gate. I know that some time has passed since this article was written but if you are still there, might you be able to guide me to gain entrance? I am taking my three oldest children, ages 20,17,16 and a family ancestry trip to Scotland this coming October. To be able to gain access but a quick peek would be beautiful. heather(dot)a(dot)mcknight@gmail(dot)com
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I'm a McNutt, I would love to see how we're related.
I just found out that’s he’s so many times my great grandpa
Hello, I also found out i am a great x ?? Granddaughter of John Mcnaughton . Such an exciting discovery. Wondering if I could get duel citizenship because of this?
Jennifer, sadly, Scotland is not one of the countries that recognizes ancestry ties and citizenship.
Hello I’m kin to the McKnight clan in the Midwest region of America, I’d love to know the history of the mcnaughtons and try to connect the dots of my ancestors, anything helps, thank you!
My email is Lukeanthony246@gmail.com
I am also a MacNaughton descendant - our family ended up changing it's name to McNett, which was my mother's maiden name. We live in Michigan, USA. My husband, brother, and 3 of my sisters will be taking a trip to Scotland in August 2026. We definitely want to visit the castle remains. I'm curious how you arranged for a boat to Fraoch Eilean? And did you visit Dubh Loch to see the mound that it sounds like is the only thing remaining from that castle? Our grandfather was an avid genealogist, and we were raised with quite a bit of history of (and love for) our Scottish heritage. We are thrilled about our trip! Any suggestions would be much appreciated!!
We are descendants of the McNitts who emigrated to America in 1701, after spending 100 years in Ireland when the unfortunate John ran off with his lover after getting drunk and accidentally marrying the wrong woman. I have to admit I kind of love that story! LOL
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